Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Annalise!

I realized I forgot to wish my firstborn a happy 4th birthday in a timely manner. She had many birthday celebrations, with grandparents on both sides, as well as her first friend party- she had four guests come for an art party where they decorated ceramic planters and played outside.
I'm going to have to stay on top of things like this, especially when we become a family of five in November! I'm sorry we won't get to see all of you at Eric and Gwen's, to show off my big belly! Mike has a tournament in Green Bay that he'd already committed to, unfortunately.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We've got a PhD in the family!

Mom and Dad, Mike and the kids and I went to Madison last week for Bridget's thesis defense. She did a great job- very calm, spoke clearly and slowly, and I actually understood her whole presentation. After her presentation, she went behind closed doors with her committee, where they grilled her, and eventually bestowed upon her the honor of Doctor of Philosophy. Then we were invited to the nerd party where we had cake and champagne in a lab. The kids really liked being at college. Bridget and Steve had friends come over to watch M, B, and A while we went out for dinner with our family and Steve's parents.

Congratulations, Dr. Bridget T. J-F!!! We're proud of you!