Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Frodermann Update

I know that you keep track of us on Facebook, but a friend has recently returned to blogging, and it inspired me to do the same.  Here's our update:

We live in Eden Prairie, and have been here since 2009. Mike is working in commercial finance, and I am about to return to work part-time as a physician assistant in colon and rectal surgery.  I have been home since November, 2013, when I quit my stressful full time PA position, and traded it in for communications chair for the PTO, Girl Scout leader, and mission work in Nicaragua.  The kids are growing like weeds, and we are having so much fun in the minivan driving from one event to the next.  Annalise is in 5th grade, and is a math whiz, as well as a gymnast, soccer player, and flutist.  Bennett is in 3rd grade, and loves hockey, video games, and playing outside.  He finished his 4th year of hockey, and will start in Squirts in the fall.  He also plays baseball (Mike is his coach) and soccer (Mike is not his coach!).  Colin is in Kindergarten, and already is the king of our elementary school.  He know everyone, and everyone knows him.  He finished his second year of Mite hockey, and also plays soccer and baseball.  He would love to continue in karate, but Mom made him stop.  Shug is 13 years old, and definitely does not get walked with the frequency he enjoyed B.K. (before kids).

Congratulations, Jamie and Jeff on the birth of Ethan!

I am eager to start planning a family reunion.

More to come...